Yappy Yalentine? Nah, I’m Good:

A Single’s Survival Story on February 14th.

“Valentine is coming, where is your boyfriend? You’re sitting at home lonely!” This song, ever since it became popular, has been the national anthem for Valentine’s Day in Nigeria. As usual, every social media influencer (X, formerly known as Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and even your neighborhood platform, WhatsApp) was shoving the holiday down our throats.

Singles had it the most, as I myself am single. Here’s how the day went down: I woke up to zero texts or heartfelt posts, not even a broadcast. Slow cries, but I maintained a masculine frame. It was a struggle to get prepared for work, knowing that almost everybody at the office was either married, engaged, or dating, except for myself and my silly friend, Nonso.

I found the motivation, of course – it was the salary – and my company usually makes the most of February 14th to show that we matter, awwn. I got out of the house and almost went blind! What’s with all the red? Even Easter doesn’t have this much red, bro! I’m not kidding. It almost felt like everyone was an idol worshiper. Anyway, I just kept thanking my creator that I didn’t wear the red I initially wanted to wear.

I was in a Newcastle Away jersey, the white one, a black bogus trouser, super thick and heavy, waist chain, black socks, and a black New Balance – gangster, right? Or in need of a hug. I got to the office quite early, despite being blind for a few minutes. Tell me why it’s Joyce, who just got into a relationship in January, who’s greeting me with “Happy Valentine” and that her big head “Yappy Yalentine”

I pretended to smile back and replied with the expected pleasantries, but she didn’t stop there. She decided to gist me about what her partner had planned for her and proceeded to ask if I had any other plans. This werey girl knows I’m single oh! I just ignored her. She’s won this battle, but not the war.

Midday, I could finally use my phone, and I made the worst mistake of the day – opening social media. I almost cried, especially when I started seeing the beautiful things people were doing for their partners. Omo, I melted like un-refrigerated ice cream.

You see, February 14th usually captures three categories of people the most: singles, those in situationships, and those in relationships. You’ve heard single people’s conditions from my brief narration; now, let’s talk about situationships. These ones are not sure where they are – either single or in a relationship. So, February 14th is quite open-ended for them. Are they getting gifts or not? They spend the whole day expectant, unlike us single people, who are just happy and sad in between, with no expectations anyway, aside from a glimpse of hope from that ex who isn’t happy.

The people in relationships are the villains in this story, and the capitalists are their enablers. I didn’t want to talk about this in this Valentine’s special, but now that I have your attention, let’s have it. Some people think – and I’m included in this thinking – that February 14th is a day used by capitalists to maximize their profits. They’ve turned love into a commodity and made it seem like if your partner doesn’t go all out for you during this period, then they don’t love you.

And as we’ve seen or noticed, it gets even louder and more audacious every year. Take a look – every year, it gets more materialistic. Now, love that was once intangible is now the opposite. If you’re not using audacious, tangible materials, then you don’t love them enough. And these days, especially among Gen Zs, it’s a case of the highest bidder. Though you’re suffering and showing intention towards love, who benefits?

There you have it. Once again, I wish everyone who has found love and kept it happy Valentine’s Day, and may you be together to celebrate another and even more. To those in situationships, hope you’ll define what you have before the next one. And to us singles, keep searching and don’t relent, but don’t give in to all the rubbish just because you’ve been too lonely.

Written by Eze Isaac Sunday
