In the vibrant world of gospel music and ministry, few voices resonate with as much depth and conviction as THETIMO’s. A multifaceted individual; a professor, teacher of the Word, and passionate musician. THETIMO has dedicated his life to unraveling the mysteries of the Gospel and sharing them with the world. His music, described as “musical epistles,” is not merely entertainment but profound teachings of Christ’s finished work, designed to edify believers and evangelize the lost. In this exclusive interview, THETIMO shares his inspiring journey, the spiritual insights behind his new EP Everyday is My Christmas Day, and his vision for the future.
TCA – Who is THETIMO beyond the music? Can you share a bit about your journey into ministry and music?
THETIMO – By God’s grace, THETIMO is the beloved son of God who knows fully well that Christ is His head and He is the body of Christ on earth. THETIMO is one who is humble enough to completely believe what the Word of God (Christ) says about him.
Beyond music, by God’s grace THETIMO is a University professor and a teacher of God’s Word, who is Graced to reveal Christ in scripture.
My journey into music probably began in my mother’s womb as I’ve been singing since I was a child. Singing runs in the family.
On the other hand, ministry began far back in 2002/2003 when I started getting invites along with (Christ voices) a secondary school band I was a member of, to sing from one church to another. By 2005 I started getting invites as an individual. I was still studying, so I wasn’t doing much until in 2015 after my NYSC when the Lord instructed me that it was time to take it further. By Grace, I obeyed as quickly as I could and started working on my debut single (Mogbeoga) which was released about a year later on 1st September 2016. The Lord told me my ministry was to drench souls of men with Living waters but I didn’t grasp what He meant until by God’s grace in 2023 the Lord led me to Apostle Flourish Peters of LOGIC (Love of God in Christ) church, where I was properly taught the Truth of the Gospel and I got born again “again”. This was when I found my purpose and sat properly within the assignment the Lord has Graced me for. I remain forever grateful to know the Truth and to be able to teach Him appropriately in my music.

TCA – Your EP title, “Everyday is My Christmas Day,” is captivating. What inspired the theme and the title?
THETIMO – First, the church has been distracted for a long time by religion. Religion makes the church ignore the Truth while chasing after shadows. Many are in arguments about the actual date that Jesus was born while many are upset that it’s probably a pagan holiday adapted for Christianity. Forgetting that the most significant thing is that Christ was born to save the world. They argue about irrelevant things while ignoring the efficacy of the birth of divinity and the implications.
Secondly, Christmas has been relegated to a vacation period where we sing joyfully about Santa, about snow, about love, about giving and all sorts of carols; without an adequate investigation of scripture to establish hidden Truth about Christmas. We often focus on the manger birth but didn’t pay attention to the Bethlehem meaning House of Bread/Bakery birth of the Bread of Life (which is more significant to our daily living in Christ).
So, by God’s grace “Everyday is my Christmas Day” is a philosophical title to open our eyes to the Truth we have all been ignorant about, the depth we missed out in scripture. The pregnant title advocates that we have capacity to live everyday of our lives in the joy, abundance, celebration and gratitude that comes with Christmas, if only we can daily feast on the Word of Grace, who is Christ the Bread of Life. The song discloses that Bethlehem is the bakery where God baked the inexhaustible Bread of Life that is more than sufficient for the whole world to feast on in this life and even in eternity, He baked it at Bethlehem and served this Bread at Calvary on the cross.

The EP exposes the Love of God at salvation, the unlimited nature of the Grace of God in Christ and tells that all of God’s blessings upon Abraham in the Old Testament are available to everyone who believes in Jesus, in His New Testament.
I have always been a lover of Christmas and had always wanted to sing carols but I didn’t have the depth until by Grace in 2023, when I was properly taught the Gospel. I’m grateful to God for blessing the world with this depth through little me.
TCA – How has your personal relationship with Christ shaped your music and teaching ministry?
THETIMO – I was an orphan but the Lord turned my life around by His Grace and placed me on the throne to sit in Christ in heavenly places. The grass to Grace testimony of my life was a tool God used to draw my attention to His divine interest in me. His Spirit planted a great passion for studying the Bible inside me since I was a child, I mean, I consumed the Bible voraciously while growing up and I still do by the grace of God, this helped and continues to help me to build an intimate relationship with Abba Father, shaping my prayer life so that I don’t pray amiss. Now that by Grace I’m planted in God’s vineyard where the Grace of God in Christ is properly taught, I’m well equipped to be lyrically sound in the Gospel, not just Christian music or church entertainment music that don’t save souls. My deep relationship with the person of the Word of God (Jesus) enables me to hear the Holy Spirit with clarity in the highest frequency by Grace, and I’m grateful that this is evident in my music; especially my recent works.
TCA – You describe your songs as “musical epistles.” Can you elaborate on how you combine teaching the Gospel with your music?
THETIMO – I describe my songs as musical epistles because by God’s grace they are letters written to the body of Christ emphasising on what the Finished work of Christ means. My music is centred around amplifying Christ, what His cross achieved in the past, in the present and in the future. My music announces the position of the believer in Christ, the inheritance of the believer in Christ and the possibilities for a believer in Christ. My music elaborates on what Christ has done for humanity and for everyone who believes in Him. My music tells what Christ can do through a believer and what it really means to be a believer in the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.
These are the significant elements of my music, establishing that it is not common music but profound teachings of the Gospel. Just like the apostles wrote solely about the crucified Christ to the church, by God’s grace THETIMO sings solely about Christ, the crucified Messiah. This makes his music eulogise God, edify the believers and evangelise the unbelievers.

TCA – Can you take us behind the scenes of creating this EP? What was the most challenging and the most rewarding part of the process?
THETIMO – The creativity required to communicate the depth of the gospel in a relatable manner to an audience made up of different people of different orientations is very challenging.
Also, for this body of work, I sang in many international languages like English, French, Afrikaans, and Nigerian languages like Yoruba, Hausa, Igbo and Benin. It was quite tasking to learn these different languages, their peculiarities and how best to communicate them.
Infusing the different elements of these varying tribes and cultures into one music in an excellent manner was also very challenging for the production team.
The most rewarding part for me is that by God’s grace I consider this my best effort so far. In all honesty, I enjoy the tracks. I could comfortably listen to a track on repeat for days. That’s unusual for me because I’m usually my first critic. I’m really grateful to be this proud about this project. I can see and feel the growth and how I’ve evolved and finally found my own niche. To God be the glory.
TCA – “I Feast on Bread of Life” is a unique title. Can you unpack the spiritual significance behind this song?
THETIMO – As I said earlier on, this song is not just a song but by God’s grace, it is an epistle that teaches the depth of the Gospel that has prior been misunderstood, misinterpreted, disregarded, ignored or relegated. The song teaches that the only way to live in the daily blessings of God in Christ is to believe in His finished work at Calvary. The way to feast on the flesh of Christ is to believe. The way to drink of His blood is to believe. When we feast on Grace (His finished work) daily, we are enabled to live everyday as Christmas Day. Even when physical situations may sometimes seem unpleasant, we rejoice still because we believe in Christ and we are confident and rest assured that all things work together for good for those who are loved by God in Christ Jesus. By Grace, these are the depths wrapped in the simplicity of that track.
TCA – In what ways do you hope your music helps believers experience the joy, peace, and abundance you describe in your EP message?
THETIMO – I strongly believe God to work through these songs to liberate the church from ignorance. The Bible says in Hosea 4:6 that God’s people perish for lack of knowledge. I’m really pained that many have been in church for donkey years but are still perishing in one form or another due to ignorance. This is why I have a passion to teach them about what they have missed out in scripture, so that we can all be liberated. When we know the Truth, the Truth always sets us free. It is my earnest prayer that Grace enables the people to receive this Truth that breaks off the chains of ignorance, and empowers us to begin to live in the Joy of salvation indeed, in Jesus name. Amen
TCA – How do you balance your teaching ministry with your music ministry?
THETIMO – They are intertwined. By God’s grace, my ministry is to teach the depth of the Gospel, to unravel the mysteries of the Gospel in the Old Testament and buttress them with the New Testament. I do so through music. Music is not actually a ministry.
According to Ephesians 4:11, there are five fold ministries for church leaders: Apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher. Everyone has the ministry of reconciliation but these five fold ministry of leaders are gifted and commissioned to educate the body of Christ to maturity, so that the members can perform their ministry of reconciliation adequately. So, by Grace I’m gifted to teach and I do so with music.
TCA – What do you want people to take away after listening to “Everyday is My Christmas Day”
THETIMO – I’ll be most grateful to have the people genuinely agree that everyday is indeed Christmas Day when we believe in the finished work of Christ at Calvary.
I want everyone to remember the sacrifice of Christ every moment of the day, forever. That everyone may know at every point in time that there had been a sacrifice that changed the whole thing in their favour. They should always remember the cross that crossed the line in our favour as believers. I pray this happens, in Jesus name. Amen
TCA – Have there been any testimonies or feedback from listeners that affirm the impact of your music and teachings?
THETIMO – Yes, by God’s grace there have been many profound testimonies and feedbacks of how the ministry has blessed lives in tremendous ways. These are few of them among many others:
– “While people are listening to your songs, they’re being taught the gospel, even as they’re being edified, and God is glorified.”
– ”You’ve completely woken me up from spiritual sleep. Thanks for making us have more understanding about Jesus Christ as our only daily bread of life if we really choose to live or to survive this wicked or sinful world.”
– “Yes sir, gospel songs are really scarce now, people just go around wasting resources on songs that does not communicate the gospel. And that’s why l’m so excited when I see that every of your songs has its foundational doctrine from the inspiration of the gospel. Even if it’s only thank you lord you sing, it’s still from the revelation of the gospel, you’re very intentional about the lyrics of your songs. I celebrate you sir.”
– “What a deep spiritual revelation in your songs”
– ”Lot of meaning to the lyrics of your songs. More sounds sir”
I’m deeply grateful to be fulfilling purpose
TCA – If you could say one thing to someone struggling to embrace the finished work of Christ, what would it be?
THETIMO – I would simply say: “Please quit trusting so much in your abilities, and be humble enough to trust Christ. He is God’s permanent solution to your struggle.”
The Gospel is God’s pill to solve all man’s problems.
The Gospel is God’s remedy to every malady.
The Gospel is God’s pull out of every pool of darkness.
The Gospel is God’s pool of His blessings in Christ Jesus.
TCA – What does “Everyday is My Christmas Day” mean to you personally, and how can listeners live in this truth daily?
THETIMO – To the glory of God, Everyday is my Christmas Day is my exact reality. I live in the “much more”, the largesse and the extravagance of God in Christ. I can’t explain it enough. God loves me more than the devil hates me. My physical life experiences attest to this and my spiritual life experiences confirm this beyond I can ever comprehend.
Listeners can live in this reality if they can be humble enough to believe in the sacrifice of Christ!
Not mixing Moses (laws) and Christ or mixing Elijah (prophets) and Christ, like the common practices in churches today. People read the Bible but disbelieve what Jesus achieved for humanity by His cross. If only they can really believe. It is hurtful that religion has confused most for so long, making it so difficult for people to really believe in Jesus, even though they are pastors and general overseers of big ministries. The prayer language of people always tells if they truly believe.
If we believe, only then can we see the glory of God and begin to live everyday as Christmas Day.
TCA – Finally, What’s next for THETIMO? Are there any future projects or ministry goals you’re excited about?
THETIMO – By God’s Grace, I’m consumed with the Gospel, so what is next for me is always the Gospel and nothing beats my excitement about it. Oh my goodness, I’m super excited about my forthcoming Easter album and the plans God has helped us to have for 2025. He already helped us to plan out our itinerary till December of 2025. Please be excited with us and please pray along with us that Grace enables us to successfully birth the babies that Grace has enabled us to carry, in Jesus name.
Thank you so much for all these wonderful questions in this interview. It’s such an honour and a privilege to be doing this for the Lord, at this time.
Grace multiply unto you and your entire media team. Amen.
To God be the glory forever.
Through his music and ministry, THETIMO continues to transform lives, encouraging believers to embrace the Gospel’s power. His EP Everyday is My Christmas Day is a heartfelt call to live each day in the light of Christ’s sacrifice. With future projects underway, THETIMO’s impact as a vessel of God’s grace only continues to grow. As he rightly puts it, “Grace enables us to live every day as Christmas Day.”